HIRED! 65% of recruiters find their best employees through newspaper Ads. Know How?


True, that in the wake of a millennial sun, the “Help Wanted” or the “Classified” sections of the newspaper have taken a backseat and online recruiting boards like Monster, indeed and Glassdoor have assumed the forefront. However, it would be foolish to assume that the one major source of recruiting notifier should be completely dead by the day. Infact, to the contrary, newspaper firms can inform you about more job openings than the internet.

The employment section of the newspaper may still be a favourite site of the company you have been eyeing to work for. Also, not to miss the “local business” aspect of it. Newspaper listings are more likely to focus on the particular area more closely, moreover, there are multiple newspapers you can choose from to scan through a detailed list of available jobs nearby. Now, such listings are not always possible online thereby giving our age-old form an easy grace over the modern online recruitment.

The Classified section of the newspaper provides easy access to all the available jobs under a particular space, this makes the process of searching, simple for the seeker. Readers do not have to constantly switch and shuffle in fear of missing an opening. Most importantly, this traditional method is where one is provided with the opportunity to respond with a fluid, self-made cover letter, as opposed to the fixed column of form filling on the internet response.

There are sound reasons why one is still hinged to the newspaper’s help pages. The traditional medium not only has the confidence of a diverse age group, but also reachability that is beyond financial capacities. This is perhaps the biggest strength of this media and this is why companies still rely on it while considering recruitment.

If you too are looking to hire and have nodded all along in agreement, I am sure you are considering reserving a newspaper ad. Here, let me make it easier. I will provide you with a way that can help ease the entire procedure. Allow me to introduce you to releaseMyAd. releaseMyAd is the largest Newspaper Recruitment Ad Agency of the country, serving over 1.25 lakh customers annually. It is a full INS Accredited Agency with expert assistance. Want to advertise in any language or newspaper, we are here to help. The site is a one-stop solution for all your ad publishing related procedures. You simply visit the site, choose your preferred newspaper, design your ad by listing the criteria, position open and salary in details, make an online payment and receive a confirmation mail. That is about it. You are done. Now all you have to do is wait for candidates to submit their resumes. It is literally advertising made simple. Do not believe me? Go check for yourself. releaseMyAd is the site I am talking about! Go Explore!