The Best Advertising Agencies of the World

The Dilemma of an Advertiser

In today’s day and age, as an ad agency’s functional area goes on steadily increasing, all agencies need to reinvent themselves to cope with the changing demands of time. Their main area of focus used to be limited to planning for 30 second commercials on TV but nowadays as marketing becomes an increasingly complex activity with the number of diverse medium options available to companies, ad agencies are expected to perform a much greater number of inter-related activities.

A different take on Ad Agencies


The companies which had thrived under the additional responsibilities imposed on them had emerged as few of the best advertising agencies working in the world. This article lists a few such companies.

  1. Grey: One of the biggest success stories amongst ad agencies in recent years is Grey, a subsidiary of WPP which was going through a prolonged creative slump till a few years ago. Most analysts had written it off as an agency with a traditional and a mundane outlook towards advertising. However with a change in its leadership, it emerged as one of the most creative forces to be reckoned with, in the ad world. It recently won ‘Agency of the Year’ award for the year 2014 by Ad Age. Its client list includes P&G, DirecTV, Canon etc
  2. 360i: It is a relatively new entrant to the world of ad agencies but within a short space of time, it had made a profound impact especially in social media marketing.  Its clients range from Oreo to Toyota. Its Oreo campaign revolutionized the concepts of real time marketing as it used the blackout during a game at Superdome to tweet that though the power cut might stop the game, it can’t stop people from enjoying an Oreo. Forbes recently called it the most influential ad agency of 2014 and it was the only ad agency to feature in top 3 for three consecutive years in Ad Age’s Agency A-List.

    The most well known tweet in the short history of Social Media Marketing
  3. Droga5: It had grown from being a little known agency catering to niche clients to one of the most recognizable names in the advertising sector. Its recent awards included best agency of the year by Adweek and Creativity. It caters to companies like Mondelez, American Express etc
  4. 72andSunny: It has proven to be especially adept at figuring out how to ensure the campaigns it designs become a part of the bigger pop-culture framework from its work on Call of Duty games (where it used Hollywood thespian Kevin Spacey) to novel use of Google Street View Technology to make maps for games. Its Starbuck campaign where it traced down people who had initially met at Starbucks proved to be one of the most memorable ad campaigns of last year. Meet Me at Starbucks by 72andSunny was one of the most successful campaigns launched last year.

    Meet Me at Starbucks campaign by 72andSunny struck a chord with Consumers

All the agencies mentioned in the article used their own unique ways to connect with their target audience with both feel good stories as well as humor proving to be a big hit with customers. However the one thing that all campaigns had in common was recognizing the personality of the product it was advertising and framing the campaign within the parameters that best complemented those characteristics.

Ad Agency Brief Simplified

An Indian ad agency which is making great strides is releaseMyAd. It has already become the premier ad agency in Delhi offering a large variety of services such as media planning, media buying and creative designing among others. It offers ad booking over a variety of mediums like newspaper, radio and cinema. To book ads in Delhi across any medium you may email or you can also call 09830629298.