Radio Advertising Effectively Promotes Your Website

WEBSITE- promotion

Every medium of entertainment and advertising has its own importance. However, nowadays, radios have been found to be used extensively both for entertainment as well as for advertising purposes. The main reason behind preferring this “theatre of mind” is its 24*7 presence.

With the extensive use of internet in recent times, promotion of goods and services does not have to depend upon the visibility of hoardings or banners. You just need to have a website and product seekers will automatically be attracted to that in order to gather details regarding the products and services you offer.

Website-promotion-on-radioWhat may come into your mind in this regard is how the masses will come to know about your website. Of course, while Googling on Internet, they will find your company online, but the result displayed to them will not only contain your details but also list of your competitors in a queue. This is where Radio comes into focus. On the radio, the website address can be communicated to the audiences so that they search for your company online.

With online or Internet radio, however, reaching and targeting people for your products and services has become even easier. Your web address would be advertised and then and there, the listeners can visit the same. What more effective can an advertising medium be?

Radio is a medium where the audiences cannot see anything. They can only hear things and act accordingly. Here are few things that you, being an advertiser must keep in mind while communicating your web address on radio.

  • Nowadays, it has been seen that the website names are mis-spelled just to make it unique and extra-ordinary. For example, COOL is spelled as KOOL. In such a case, making spelling errors are quite obvious. In a medium like Radio, where audiences are far away from visuals, using incorrect spellings to make things look attractive would be risky. Keep the spellings in the website address as commonly known to people so that the listeners do not make any mistake in typing your web address.
  • Avoid advertising a domain name with a hyphen or any special character on radio.
  • If the domain names are too long, it would be harder for the listeners to remember or recall it.
  • Try using Top Level Domain (TLD) in order to ensure people get your website address quickly. If it is a dot com, it will be easier for the visitors to get your website, otherwise if it something like dot net, etc. they might miss the sites.
  • If you feel that your domain name is tough to remember, put stress on your brand name during the radio ads. This will help your listeners or prospects to search for the same on internet and get to your site.

Follow the above mentioned points and see what wonders radio adverts do for your website and your brand.