Facebook advertising: the coolest means of social media marketing


Facebook! The name itself is more than enough to infuse the mind with excitement. Facebook today is a veritable picture of our lives. “Hey tag me on facebook!”, “send me a request, alright?”, “I liked your page”. “Your pictures are awesome!”, “I just saw your update…”. Our life is full of things connected to Facebook. Hence, it is by all means the best medium to connect to an entire community and beyond. In a world where marketing is massively driven by online advertising, social networking websites are simply ‘unignorable’. This inevitably gives way to the enormous scope of Social Advertising whereby Facebook is irrefutably the most mainstream website, one that encompasses the maximum number of human lives. Therefore, if an advertiser wants to be seen and responded to, Facebook is the answer.

 Why Facebook:

  • its easy to harbour attention because the users are already hooked on to what they are seeing here.
  • An advertiser has the option of reaching out to exactly the sort of people who might be interested in his products.
  • Getting ads on facebook is an economical affair because the advertiser decides how much he wants to spend.
  • The advertiser is always kept in the loop about how his ads are doing. The Ads Manager takes care of this and this means that one need not needlessly spend on unprofitable ads.

Well targeted Facebook fans respond to attractive advertisements with good creative content by liking, commenting on and sharing them. Friends of users taking these action are notified which means that the advertisements reaches out to an elaborate network of people thereby making it more effective.

When an ad is created on Facebook, the advertiser is required to select his goal and the advertisements thus developed are meant to serve the business owner’s purpose, be it increasing sales, building brand by means of page engagement or creating more users by encouraging them to install an app.

Lets create a Facebook ad :

  • One needs to create a facebook account first. This is an ideal medium to conduct transactions.
  • The advertiser needs to develop a name for the page and select a category for the business. A page is the best means to interact with customers besides promoting items. Its an exclusive space just for the advertiser and he is free to build it just as he likes.
  • The business owner must next put up a logo that he wants as a representative for his business. This aids in brand building
  • The advertiser must now insert a catchy sentence that conveys the essence of the company. This could be given the face of a slogan and it appears under the logo.
  • The next task would be to set up a web address for the page. This leads facebook members to the advertisers actual website.
  • Start posting! This could practically be any and everything from videos to announcements of new launches accompanied with interesting pictures. This keeps people engaged to your brand.

 Facebook advertising is smart!

Facebook chooses the audience by taking into account, a user’s personal information shared on his profile and his activities like the kind of pages he likes thereby helping advertisers reach out to exactly the kind of people who would, in all probability, respond to the ads. However, Facebook never shares a user’s personal details with an advertiser unless the user himself gives Facebook the Go signal for it. Facebook developers have devised excellent means to gain feedback on the advertisements. A user has the option finding out why he is seeing an ad, inform Facebook if he finds it useful, tell if he wants to see it and whether he wants all ads by the advertiser to be removed from his social space on Fb. He just needs to click on one of the available options on the top right corner of the advertisements to give his feedback. The updated preferences help an advertiser to tighten focus on a targeted audience.

The ‘placements’ can be wisely done. The ads may appear in desktop news feed, mobile news feed and the right column. A user won’t easily ignore the ads and being noticed is the main aim of advertising above all.

 Keep in mind.

Optimizing posts is an effective strategy to draw more potential customers. For that, one needs to create posts:

  • That are crisp and interesting. They tend to get more likes.
  • That appeal to the eyes and thereby draw attention
  • That utilize page insights to enable learning.

One must make use of Facebook Offers in order to capture acquire attention.One may :

  • Offer an item like a booklet, in exchange for a piece of information like an email ID
  • Give a coupon perhaps that can be redeemed at the store
  • Extend sundry privileges to only the fans. This will help garner more Facebook likes.
  • Add an urgent call-to-action.
  • Activate sponsored stories. Any interaction with the advertising page will generate a news feed notification.
  • Customize the ad headline so that its not the same as the page’s title.
  • Add a separate administrator to the to the account to use another hand in editing promotions for the page.
  • Add attractive pictures.

One must expend carefully for making any advertising campaign a success. For this:

  • Do not forget to maintain a budget cap
  • Do choose a specific bidding option from among the different bid setups to control facebook advertising costs.
  • Select either a daily or lifetime budget

Social media marketing cannot get any better than on Facebook because swimming along the flow is always the more convenient option as it ensures swift transport to the desired location. Today this social networking website is the direction in which the waters flow and therefore trying to swim against the tide is not going to help us. If the desired place is a world full of customers, then advertising on facebook will assure quick results in that direction.To know more you can avail the services of the leading social media experts,releaseMyAd.You can contact us via online@releasemyad.com or directly on 09830688443.

Author info:Suchandra Banerjee is an English grad pursuing her masters at present. She is currently interning at releaseMyAd and is thoroughly enjoying her time here given that the work is very exciting and edifying. She hopes to put to use the knowledge she is gaining here later on in her professional life. She is absolutely crazy about travelling and loves to read novels when she isn’t writing for us. She hopes to do atleast one-fifth of what her bucket list contains. We wish her all the best with that.