Google Adwords, Best Practices!


Managing a campaign is no rocket science but it needs to be done smartly. Some of the things that can be done to optimize for clicks are as follows:

  • The ad-text has to be made very compelling for which the keyword must make an appearance in the headline whereas a feature and benefit should appear in description lines 1 and 2. There has to a compelling call-to-action to urge a visitor to perform an action and its best if the relevant keyword is included in the Display URL.
  • The content must be keyword-centric and focus on the benefits afforded to the customers. The written content must never lose its focus. the communication must be direct and not done in a roundabout manner. To draw customers one must explain, albeit economically, why the advertiser deserves more consideration than others and how the customer will benefit more out of him than he would if he settled for another competitor. The purpose is to write content focused of keywords and not just incorporate them anyhow.
  • Using a sub-header is a very smart thing to do. We know a net surfer’s resistance to reading what doesn’t look too gripping. Using a sub-header below the headline gives a little bit more information about a product and to the advertiser, it is the extension of the chance to nail a deal.
  • It’s best to hide the redundant navigation buttons that might distract a visitor from what we want him to see. This needs to be done so as to lessen the friction on the landing page’s bounce rate. Horses need blinders to keep going straight but we humans aren’t too different too.
  • The lead capture form has to be crisp and to the point. The advertiser must only ask for what is necessary for contacting the visitor and no bit of extra information. Longer forms are not always completed by visitors. Auto Fill fields are very effective in egging on the visitor to provide more and more information. We want to draw in prospective customers. We cannot have them run away.
  • The keywords ought to be in sync with the landing pages. Searchers typing in general keywords should be directed to landing pages pages with general content. Similarly, net surfers typing in queries with specific keywords should be directed to specific landing pages.
  • Keep testing the ad performance. A/B testing is an extremely good way to monitor the effectiveness of an ad copy. More often than not, all it takes is a little tweaking to double the CTR if not treble it. The advertiser may develop alternative ad copies and see which one works best.
  • Make sure that a user sent to a specific landing page can effortlessly navigate back to a general page or home page. People are prejudiced about everything complicated. The simpler, the better. That is why, it is best to make navigation simple so that the visitor never feels confused, nervous or lost.
  • Stay clear of the general flow. General calls to action like Purchase now have lost their urgency to a great extent due to their exposure effect on the net surfers. They are just too common. That way, the advertiser seems to be one out of a crowd of hundreds trying to sell the customer the very same thing. ‘Unique is attractive’. It’s practically a universal truth and remember what Randy Pausch had said about cliches? They are time-tested and invariably true. Show impressive reviews, make the offers very visually dynamic to encourage fancy imagination, give additional benefits and profess to save their time.
  • It is very important to give Site-link Extensions that allows an advertiser to add additional links, Ad Extensions that show additional details like contact info, address, product rating etc.

releaseMyAd is the leading Adwords Agency which helps you build perfect online advertising campaigns which helps you get right visitors to your website.We build high quality ads which not only gets you qualified traffic but also helps your campaign to avoid irreleavant clicks. In case you have any queries or wish to build your campaign through us you can email us on  or you can even call us on 09830688443.

Author Info :Suchandra Banerjee is an English grad pursuing her masters at present. She is currently interning at releaseMyAd and is thoroughly enjoying her time here given that the work is very exciting and edifying. She hopes to put to use the knowledge she is gaining here later on in her professional life. She is absolutely crazy about travelling and loves to read novels when she isn’t writing for us. She hopes to do at least one-fifth of what her bucket list contains. We wish her all the best with that.