Radio Compliments Other Mediums For Effective Media Mix


Radio has proved how the power of sound affects the cognitive aspects of human beings. In fact, not only affects but drives record breaking responses from the listeners. Entertaining people and helping them relax after their daylong working hours is the prime objective of different radio stations.

Besides entertaining people, there is one more important objective of this audible medium, i.e. advertising. If you think to what extent ajust an audible medium could be effective, then you must know that in recent times RADIO is what every advertiser prefers, no matter whether he has a small or big business. You might have observed that whichever ad you find on the newspapers, television, hoardings/banners, etc. all of them are broadcasted on radios also. This way by mixing media, the advertisers get a chance to reach major percentage of the population around the country irrespective of their location or social and economic status.

Here are few points that can help you to figure out how Radio compliments other entertaining and advertising media:

Television and Radio Television-and-radio-programming

Television has always been one of the best mediums for entertainment and advertising. Whether it is the coverage or frequency or impact, TV has always lived up to the expectations of the advertisers. However, the cost of advertising on television is so high that only the ones who own big businesses can afford it. In that case, radio appears to be the best alternative for the start-ups. So far as TV and radio being complementary is concerned, successful businessmen also try to broadcast their ad on radios so that the reach of their advertisement does not remain confined to socially and economically strong people.

The big and small business owners all, basically, aim at posing positive impact on the public irrespective of how educated they are, how rich they are or where they live. Also with radio, the advertisers get a chance to convey the details of their products specifically to the local regions, which is not likely to receive the message through television. Radio is considered by the advertisers so that the advertising is not limited to the period equal to that of TV but extends to larger span to leave a long time impact on the customers.

Newspapers/ Magazines and Radio 
Newspapers are a quite cheaper option as far as advertising is concerned. The best part is that newspapers and magazines generate large revenue through advertisements they publish. Within newspapers, readers get all the details about the products and get to see the picture of them as well. But what makes its attempt inactive is the illiteracy spread in major parts of the country.

Those who are not educated enough don’t take newspapers or magazines. As a result of this, even though they require a product they hardly get informed about it. This is where mixing print and radio advertising helps the advertisers. Even the uneducated people have radios at home because of its cheap price, which enable them to know about various products and services offered by the companies.

Posters/Hoardings/Banners and Radio
Posters, hoardings and banners are one of the most traditional modes of making people aware of particular products and services in the market. However, the cost of production is very high that leads to losses for the advertisers. Next issue is that the reach also gets limited. Maybe the one who does not want the product or service looks at it uninterestingly and the one who actually needs it goes uninformed. To avoid such risks, the advertisers mix radio and outside media together so that the ones who are left out by the outdoor media get the details about their products and services through radios.

Reading through this will make it easier for you to decide which combination you should opt for based on the group of people you want to target.