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Tag: newspaper ad booking

The pros of Newspaper Advertising

Modern-day newspapers are not just confined to providing access to detailed news from all over the world; they are also an excellent medium for...

Ads Booking just in 3 Easy Steps via releaseMyAd!

Print ads are one of the standard formats for creative advertising.  So if you are thinking that newspaper advertising is dead then it's time...

Promote your business through newspaper advertising!

Newspaper advertising is an ultimate destination. The myth that it is a double edged sword and it just gives exposure and generates leads but the...

Why should you promote your Business through Newspaper Advertising?

Businesses are of different types-Micro, small, medium and large. This has led to the coining of phrases such as SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises),...

‘Newspaper Advertising is the best medium for achieving Recruitment goals’- Business...

‘Know our Customer’ is a very special initiative for releaseMyAd.  It is one of the favourite sections of our entire team. This is simply...

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Deccan Chronicle Classifieds: Tradition Meets Modernity

The Deccan Chronicle, an iconic name in the Indian print media landscape, embodies the fusion of tradition and modernity. Founded in 1938 by Ramanath...