Want to get tenants in 3 days? Here’s what you MUST do


They are right when they say that you can never go wrong with property investments. I’ll exactly show you how. Say you have a spare resident space. You don’t have immediate plans about it but you don’t want to let go of it either, so you decide to put it on rent. First of all, congratulations on the idea. After all, a little extra income doesn’t hurt. Secondly, how do you wish to go about with it? I know you are extremely busy and do not really have the time to voluntarily search for tenants. You do not even want to get into the hassle of involving a broker, for, that will only invite more troubles and added expenditures, to say the least. You finally come to consider publishing newspaper advertisements, and I couldn’t agree more with you on this!

Turning to the traditional means of newspaper ads for help is certainly the most appropriate step you could have thought of.  An ad column for “To rent” will attract ample attention and the right ones. However, make sure you mention all the required details like rent, location and facilities properly to make it convenient for proximate tenants.  If possible, I would suggest you to even provide a picture of the space.

You can now argue that these steps are demanding. Well, to help you with that here is releaseMyAd to the rescue. releaseMyAd helps you enjoy the best of both worlds. You can count on the traditional process of involving newspaper advertisements with the help of new age online convenience. All you have to do is book an ad for yourself in any newspaper of your choice; customize and design it as per your need, book a date for publishing the same and make a secured online payment. Once you receive a confirmation mail(which is instant), voila! Your part of the job is over. Now all you have to do is sit and wait for the interested tenants to reach you. Yes, releaseMyAd has made it THAT easy. Now that you are sorted about the whole thing, rush! You might just help someone who is in as much need of living space as you are to let it on rent.