Explore Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM rates via releaseMyAd


As of today, Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM has travelled to the top of the radio charts in terms of popularity and listenership. Advertising on Radio Mirchi is an excellent choice, since it allows you to advertise in a variety of local tongues over various cities in India, and the icing on the cake is that advertising on this station is quite affordable. Ad avoidance rates on the radio are also very low, which is another great reason to advertise on the radio.

How the radio regained its popularity

As I had mentioned earlier, the government had auctioned off FM frequencies to private media houses. Due to the privatization of radio, there grew to be a new wave of radio programming protocol that was unanimously followed by most of these private channels. Radio Mirchi was one of the channels which were determined to make a very powerful impact on the radio scene in India by adopting this schedule. Certain aspects of this programming schedule included playing songs on demand; addressing social issues and removing stigmas, incorporating live sports, news and traffic updates, and adopting a rather interactive approach with the audience. The dawn of the new millennium also experienced the advent of radio shows.

Radi--621x414As an advertising medium, the radio has unlimited potential. While being extremely affordable and readily available; for example, most cellular phones have an inbuilt FM receiver that allows mobile phone owners to tune in to any radio station of their choice while on the go. Of the many radio stations present in India, Radio Mirchi 98.3 has accumulated maximum popularity due to the nature of their shows. Through releaseMyAd, an online ad agency, it is now possible for you to book your ads on radio Mirchi in 34 different cities, namely:

The cost and rate of advertising in Radio Mirchi are based on certain technicalities.

Technicalities in Radio Advertising

In radio advertising, there exist the concepts of run of schedule (ROS) and run of day-part (RODP), which basically deal with the placement and scheduling of ads. In radio terms, the day is divided into certain segments, namely Morning Drive (6-10am), Daytime (10am to 3pm), Afternoon Drive (3-7pm), Night-time (7pm-12am), and All Night (12-6am). These segments, which vary slightly from station to station, are known as Run of Day-Part (RODP). Based on these timings, advertisements are priced accordingly. Most occasionally, the Night-Time segment is also referred to as Prime Time, since the maximum number of people tune into the radio then. The advertiser can choose whichever slot he chooses his ad to be placed in.

On certain occasions that the radio cannot incorporate the ad in the advertiser’s specified slot, the broadcaster has the sole discretion to place the ad in whichever schedule that is most convenient. This functionality is called Run of Schedule (ROS).

How to maximize your ad’s effectiveness

Grasping these concepts and trying to keep them in mind can be quite a tedious task. Hence, Kolkata based radio ad agency releaseMyAd offers you the service of planning your radio ad campaign so that your ad will be broadcasted to the right audience at the right time, and achieve maximum efficiency.

For any further queries, feel free to mail us at radio@releasemyad.com, or you can call us at 09830688443.