Times of India Classified” is the best classifieds newspaper in the entire country and is preferred by advertisers, be it issuing messages in public interest or private concern, unanimously. One of the most respected newspaper houses in the whole world, Times of India is undeniably the most reliable place to be disseminating your message regarding anything under the sun. If you are a budding entrepreneur of a start up business and you want to extend your client base to the entire country, leave it to Times of India classified to do your job for you.times-img1

In no time, you can book your ad through ReleaseMyAd’s online Ad booking portal, and you will be directed to our Times of India ad Rates from where you can choose from amongst our various offers and packages, and customize your own ad. Your ad will assuredly be published on the intended date of publication, and will reach the maximum coverage and exposure, as Times of India is the most read, widely circulated and subscribed to newspaper in the country, not to mention the world!

Not only is TOI classified beneficial to business enterprises, it also caters to the emotional needs of citizens galore with their extremely discreet and trustworthy service of matrimonial and obituary advertisements. Name change ads also receive a lot of significance when published in the classified section of a leading newspaper. You can also put in advertisements about real estate and property, for which you get a separate supplement altogether called the Times Property. There is also a very important supplement called Times Ascent that is basically where you can advertise about any job vacancy or recruitment opportunities of all sorts; it is a treasure house for unemployed youths seeking employment in this extremely competitive job market. Besides these important sub categories, Times of India classifieds also promotes advertisements regarding sale of automobiles or subletting or renting your place. Hence it is pretty apparent how Times of India caters to literally, all your needs when it comes to displaying a public message in the newspaper. It also goes on to show how you benefit from it, given the high readership and circulation of the paper. It would only be wise not to think twice before deciding which newspaper to put your desired ad in. You can not only choose the format for your ad, whether you want a text or a display ad in Times; but you can also select the optimal location for your ad for greater visibility.

5hthkcjtqorfdv49tacra46ksdHaving chosen Times of India as your desired newspaper, this is the point where we at ReleaseMyAd come in to help you with the booking process. Not only that, but we also offer discount packages and a lot of special offers that is exclusive for Times of India classifieds. After having selected your desired edition of the newspaper, you can check the ad rates for the same before proceeding to composing your ad and finally booking your ad via our online or offline payment methods, designed only to suit your convenience. We also provide an ample amount of demo ads and an online tutorial in case you need assistance in booking your Times of India classified ad. So all you need to do is log in on our official site for a hassle-free ad booking devoid of procrastination of any kind.



