Get your specific subcategory classified adverts published in a jiffy with ReleaseMyAd

Lost & Found Classified Ad

Many a times you might have faced some issues in deciding about under which section to place your classified advertisement. The categories at times appear to be too broad for you to be able to decide in which section should your Lost and Found or Prayer Meeting ad be placed.

releaseMyad-India's largest online newspaper classiifed ad booking agency
releaseMyad-India’s largest online newspaper classiifed ad booking agency
origin-of-newspaper-advertisingas always provides with you a solution for any category related confusions while placing a classified advertisement in the newspaper of your choice. We have incorporated new specific subcategory pages under the main categoriesFor example, if you’d like to book an ad in the Change of Name section or you want to announce your Change of Address, you can simply find all the information on the dedicated subcategory pages directly. Several specific subcategories such as ‘Wanted Grooms’, ‘Wanted Brides’ under Matrimonial, Business Offers or Investments under Business, Situation Vacant under Recruitment are available for you to choose from to book your classified ad.You can even place your Condolence Messages, make Death Announcements or announce Death Anniversary under the Obituary section, directly from ReleaseMyAd’s subcategory pages. You can review specific Sample Advertisements for all the subcategories Book-Death-Anniversary-Classified-Adsalong with knowing How to Book those ads through releaseMyAd.You can also book the advertisement by simply following the 3 steps provided below:

  1. On the Subcategory page, just specify the Newspaper of your choice to be directed to rates & offers page from where you can choose the preferred edition or package
  2. On Compose Ad page, create you classified advertisement as per your choice and take a look at your own advert with our exclusive Live Ad Preview Feature
  3. In the last step, on the Make Payment page, confirm the dates for the release of the ad as well as clear the payments through our online or offline payment mediums.



You can choose the payment medium as per your convenience from the following options:

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Cacredit_cardrd
  • Net Banking
  • Demand Draft
  • Cheque Deposits
  • Cash Collection
  • Cash Transfer
  • NEFT (Online Wire Transfer)

As soon as we receive the confirmation of your payment for the advertisement, you’ll receive an invoice with all the booking details of the advert. This certifies that your classified advert is confirmed to be released in the newspaper of your choice.