Advertise In India Today Hindi Magazine via releaseMyAd


The quintessential Indian doesn’t concern himself with a lot of affairs. He has a specific set of interests and curiosities, and it’s not often that you would see him actively take interest in other affairs. The aforementioned set of affairs generally concerns the following: In sports, cricket is first and foremost, other sports are important only when our sportsmen win something; Politics, and the ensuing commentaries on how our country should be run; A general overview in the ‘showbiz’, the lives and actions of celebrities; the latest in science, technology and education; scraping just the surface of economics, concerned about the budget and dollar-pound conversion rates; and the general outlines of what’s grabbing headlines in the country.India Today Hindi Magazine

The Indian looks to various sources for the news that is relevant to him, viz newspapers, the television, friends and acquaintances, the internet, etc. It is possible for him to often miss out on a certain category once in a while, but that is not something which is desirable. That is why India Today Hindi articulately compiles the latest from politics, current affairs, technology, sports and business for eager readers to get all the information they crave for in one location, from one source that they all trust. India Today Hindi has been keeping Indians updated since 1975, a time when neither the internet nor the television existed in the way we know it today.  So, with the experience of a decade shy of 50 years, India Today Hindi is one of the most concise and credible sources of what the quintessential Indian concerns himself with.

India Today Hindi enjoys a circulation of close to 500000 copies on a weekly basis, and a readership that accounts for 1000000 Indians. What is interesting is that India Today Hindi is read by a number of varying demographics, such as working professionals, businessmen, homemakers and an increasing number of youngsters. If you consider these factors, it will make sense to you why advertisers think India Today Hindi is one of the most potent advertising platforms in India. So what does one do if he wishes to advertise in India Today Hindi ?

Simple, you book your magazine ads online through releaseMyAd. releaseMyAd  is a magazine advertising agency that offers advertisers creative advertising solutions for various magazine. Initially started in 2009 as a newspaper advertising agency, releaseMyAd took to the online platform, and soon expanded advertising platform  options, and now offers advertising solutions for cinema, radio, newspaper, online and magazine advertising. You can book your ads on India Today Hindi over the internet in a few simple steps, which have been explained below:

  • Visit releaseMyAd’s dedicated India Today Hindi
  • Have a look at the available pages and dimensions available to plan your advertisement.
  • Once you have decided on the aforementioned specifications, you can proceed to view advertising rates.
  • Provide us with your contact and business details to view rates. Select which page and dimension you want and click on “Book Now” to proceed with your booking.
  • If you have your ad creative ready, share it with us in this step. If you don’t have a creative ready, releaseMyAd can design one for you once you provide us with an image, your company’s logo and a catchphrase/tagline.
  • Select dates when you would want to advertise.
  • Clear payment via a host of online and offline methods.

If you have any queries or questions, feel free to send us a mail at, or call us on 09830688443.