Beginners guide to booking a magazine ad!

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Advertising your product or service in a magazine requires knowledge of certain factors which are considered crucial from the advertisers point of view.Given below are the 7 most important things to know before you book an ad in any magazine:

1.)About the Publication: Who are the publishers of the magazine you are thinking to advertise in?Giving a magazine ad requires knowledge about the publishers of the magazine.A well known publisher (like ABP who brings out the Business World magazine) ensures a good response and better service!

2.)Target Readers:Before deciding upon the magazine you want to publish your ad in,it is very important to understand who reads the magazine,i.e-the target readers of the magazine!Always choose the magazine which has readers who can be the potential buyers or users of your product or service for which you are giving an advertisement.

3.)Circulation: Finding about the number of issues circulated in the country or a specific region(applicable for regional magazines) is an extremely prudent decision.If the magazine does not have a high readership then your cost of booking an ad may go waste!

4.)Where are the magazines distributed: Knowing about the circulation in the entire country is not enough.You also require to know as to where do the copies go ?This implies geographic distribution of the entire circulation in the country.For example:The total circulation in number of the Business World magazine is 184613 copies while the geographic distribution is :North India(22%),South India(39%)East India(16%),West India(23%).

5.)Periodicity/Frequency :Knowing about the periodicity or frequency of the magazine is extremely important before booking your magazine ad.Whether the magazine is a monthly or bi monthly,weekly or fortnightly,knowing about the number of times it releases for a particular period is important .This also helps you to get good discounts if you book for multiple insertions.

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6.)Ad Position:Where will your ad be in the magazine?Do you want instant visibility?Then you can choose the gate fold positions.Or you want them to notice your ad when they are browsing the magazine pages?You can then choose a Full Page ad.Or you want a peekaboo like what a strip ad provides?Thus on the basis of your advertising objective and also your budget you will require to choose the position of your advertisement.There are many options available like FullPage,Half Page,Quarter Page,Gatefold,Strip ads,etc.

7.)Effective Ad Design and Content:Your ad should be designed in such a way so that it instantly catches the eye of the reader and makes them want to see your ad in detail.Attractive ad designs and catchy taglines and a good ,informative content is all that you need to make your advertisement look appealing and thereby ensure a good response for your product or service advertised.

Now that you know what are the requisites for booking a magazine ad, you can now go ahead and book your ad in any magazine of

your choice by visiting us on  .We are passionate about our work and hence all the information that you require about a magazine before booking an ad will be provided to you.We also know what the readers can like the best.Hence we offer creative services to design your ad for you and make it look appealing to the readers.

For magazine related queries you can call us on 09830688443 or mail us on